Publication of a practical guide to using the "Loire by Bike" brand

Published on 28 January 2008 - Updated 06 August 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

For several years now, Loire by Bike has mobilised a large number of public- and private-sector partners, at the instigation of the Centre and Pays de la Loire regions. A review is now being conducted of the management of the Loire by Bike brand, which is registered with INPI, the French institute for intellectual property, in order to broaden the expected impact of this project on regional development, tourism activities and the classification of catering, accommodation and services.

The aim is that the brand's potential to build reputation and attract tourists should benefit all partners and tourism professionals along the route, whilst acting as a guarantor of its conditions of use to preserve the values associated with it.

The practical guide is designed to respond to the need for a reference document setting out the terms of use of the Loire by Bike brand. 1400 copies have been distributed to tourism institutions and to all the Loire by Bike partners

- the Loire by Bike brand user guide (PDF, 4 Mb)
the Loire by Bike graphic charter (PDF, 1.3 Mb)

For a paper version of the guide, contact Céline Réveillard, who is responsible for the management of the Loire by Bike brand, at the Val de Loire Mission.



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