Promoting the region by video

Published on 02 April 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

The Centre Region and Joint Association of the Pays du Chinonais have recently called for a video promoting their region, which will also be put online.

In 2008, Myriam Seurat, a news editor for France Télévisions, made  16 short trips in the Centre Region to go deep "Into the heart of the Centre". The films included: The gardens of Chaumont and The Boatman.

The Joint Association of the Pays du Chinonais has been able to create several communication tools with European funding to enhance its tourist resources and heritage, including a promotional film lasting 8 minutes called "Outings in the Pays du Chinonais". This is broadcast in each Tourist Information Office in the Pays du Chinonais. It can also be downloaded from the website (in the Découvrir section on what to see and do). Tourism professionals in the Pays du Chinonais can also get hold of a DVD for their promotion initiatives.
Other video galleries on the Loire heritage are available on Dailymotion:
Région Centre



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