“Plan-Guide Arts et Aménagement des Territoires”

Published on 27 July 2015 - Updated 30 July 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

Following thought given to provision of assistance to forms of artistic expression in the public space, the Ministry of Culture and Communication – General Directorate for Artistic Creation (DGCA) requested the pOlau urban arts centre to carry out a national study on the relationships between arts and spatial planning, focusing on “how territories cause creation to evolve” and, inversely, “how creation causes territories to evolve”. A digital version of the Plan Guide is available on request from pOlau urban arts centre.

4 volumes - 518 pages, PDF format. 

The analysis is livened up by a series of “time capsules” presenting the major trends in artistic creation and concepts of the city, and is complemented by a wide-ranging survey of initiatives representative of the constitution of a special field combining arts and spatial planning (artists, collectives, designers, projects, calls for tenders, study days, etc.) in realms as varied as social cohesion, sustainable development, urban renovation, territorial equality, public debate, and mobility policies. 

Work carried out will be extended by onlining of a web platform adding to and updating data, along with a publication due this autumn providing wider dissemination among professionals and the public at large. 

A presentation tour of France is scheduled to begin with an initial rendezvous at Point H^UT, (Saint-Pierre-des-Corps) on 8 October 2015. 


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