Pays de la Loire / Centre-Loire Valley interregional seminar

Published on 05 May 2015 - Updated 01 June 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

At a time when Regional responsibilities are evolving and the new map of France’s Regions is being drawn, the Pays de la Loire and Centre-Loire Valley Regions joined forces for a seminar held in Tours on Monday 20 April 2015. Led by Presidents François Bonneau and Jacques Auxiette, 10 Vice-Presidents from the 2 Regions were in attendance to discuss a range of interregional partnerships in fields including tourism, railways, heritage, economy and industry, and regional presence in Brussels.

Discussions held between the Centre-Loire Valley and Pays de la Loire Regions show that genuine reform is being expressed in concrete action They have been implementing communal actions for over 10 years and now hope to further reinforce their interregional projects in order to ensure increasingly effective, active and innovative public action. 

In particular, they are looking to reinforce and develop active cooperation in: 

The winegrowing sector: 

Giving thought to creation of a major wine trade fair similar to Vinexpo in the south, in collaboration with sector professionals and with a view to promoting and spreading the reputation of Loire Valley wines. 

The winegrowing and market-gardening sectors: Grouping the two sectors more closely together and encouraging greater cooperation between INRA centres. 

Tourism, Culture, Nature and Heritage: a strong identity around the Loire Valley brand

Since 2000, the year the Loire Valley was inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List, the Loire Valley destination has gained a worldwide reputation, thanks to joint work on the part of the 2 Regions. With a view to further enhancing such visibility, the brand is set to be developed jointly by the 2 Regions. In addition to tourism; cooperation will also be focusing on Loire Valley products, which constitute key components of a shared identity. 

A new convention on the Loire Valley brand will be signed jointly during the course of 2015. 

“La Loire à Vélo” is enjoying continued success, based on a network of actors that provides impetus for development of activities and new projects. Clear proof of growing public interest in this very attractive bicycle itinerary: the successful launch last February of the “Loire à Vélo” Guide du Routard – the first in the series devoted to cycling. Continuing on from what is already available, the 2 Regions plan to create fresh variants of the “Loire à Vélo” itinerary. In parallel, and in line with public and professional demand, regional schemes will be implemented to help ensure availability of hotels and rural accommodation along the route. 

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