Territorial analysis and characterisation of Outstanding Universal Value

Published on 30 April 2013 - Updated 16 May 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

At the request of the Mission Val de Loire, the 2012-2013 class of the Master 2 on Environment, Territory and Landscape at François-Rabelais University in Tours conducted a study to identify the materialisation of the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of the Loire Valley World Heritage at the scale of the towns of Cinq-Mars-la-Pile and Vallères in Indre-et-Loire. This territorialisation of the OUV aims at making it easier to promote and protect the listed site through local projects and actions.

This work was overseen by Alain Dutour, Alain Genin, Isabelle Lajeunesse and Jean-Louis Yengue. 

The objective is methodological to help to establish an approach that can be reproduced to identify, protect, preserve and promote the cultural landscape. 

The method put forward by the students comprises 3 stages: 

  • Socioeconomic diagnosis
  • Analysis of the territory, landscape and heritage
  • Identification of the territorial components of the OUV

They conclude on the need for sound knowledge of a territory and its history in order to conduct planning projects, and on the contribution made by the Management Plan as a common basis for making it easier to bring urban planning documents into line. 



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