Onlycamp Trip Challenge

Published on 11 October 2016 - Updated 16 November 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 7 ans

Onlycamp brings together ten camp sites on the banks of the Loire. All of them are located within easy reach of popular cultural sites, and welcome nature lovers for fancy-free holidays in the great outdoors. This year Onlycamp launched a brand new nature/sport/culture challenge to give participants an opportunity to explore the region's outstanding heritage and to promote its camp sites.

From 16 to 18 September 2016, ten candidates thus embarked on a friendly competition combining sport (including cycling, canoeing and swimming) and culture (blinding tasting as well as a tour of the Château royal d’Amboise and the gardens of Villandry amongst other activities). All weekend long, they shared their experience on the social networks. 




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