Official recognition of the « Val de Loire » territorial quality system

Published on 08 January 2009 - Updated 06 May 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

In December 2008, the State Secretariat for Tourism officially recognised this approach by awarding it with territorial quality system status. Its quality frame of reference has thus become the reference tool for the Loire sites seeking to bear the Qualité Tourisme™ brand.

This committed partnership approach to uphold quality has been put into practise by the CDT (Departmental Tourism Committee) of Touraine, at the request of the General council, and the Loire valley visit sites, in order to guarantee that the Loire valley destination maintains its appeal, to confirm the positive image expressed by visitors and to attract new customers. 

About thirty visit sites of Touraine and the Loire valley are currently committed to this quality approach, along with the CDT. If the ambition is, of course, to get as many sites as possible to obtain the brand, the short term targets set, aim to get between 5 and 10 of them to bear the Qualité Tourisme™ brand by the end of 2009. 

If the chateaux involved in the excellence approach of the main heritage sites of the Val de Loire are, of course, the natural candidates for the Qualité Tourisme™ brand, the objective is also to motivate the smaller sites in order to ensure a homogeneous rise in performance levels across the whole geographical area.  

Information  :
CDT Touraine (Contact : Pascal Pillault)
The offical website of the Qualité Tourisme brand  



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