Niger-Loire Project: Mission in Mali from 10th to 19th December 2008

Published on 08 January 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

Vincent Rotgé, Director of international Activities, and Simon Hardy, Rivers and heritage Assistant, of the Val de Loire Mission, participated in this mission « Niger-Loire Project: Governance and culture ».

  They assisted notably in  :
- Steering committee of the Niger-Loire Project 11 th & 12 th December 2008
- Basis for decentralised cooperation - Bamako, 13 th December 2008

Their report proposes practical recommendations in the following areas:

Compo nent 3 : Development of the training offer
- Proposition of DESS (diploma in higher specialist studies) options « Decentralisation and Local Development Engineering » at Bamako University
- Proposition of practical traineeships for 2009 and 2010

Compo nent 4 : Set up of conclusive test operations
Three workshop propositions  :
- Mopti harbour
- Reforestation and potentially the structuring of the Maison du Delta
- Knowledge of the river and the interior delta of Niger (with the IRD - Development Research Institute)

" Maison du Delta" project (Mopti)
- Proposition of a work area for the Research and Project Leader at the Regional Assembly of Mopti
- Proposition of activities for the structuring of the project

Information  :
Niger-Loire  Project : Governance and culture



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