New stage of the Vitour project in Cinque Terre (Italy)

Published on 21 February 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

The seven partner sites of the European INTERREG IIIC "Vitour" programme will be meeting from 14 to 18 March 2007 in Riomaggiore, in the Cinque Terre National Park in Italy. The meeting will be taking place alongside an international workshop on cultural heritage, the environment and sustainable tourism.

The four-day meeting will be devoted to finalising the Vitour tourist itineraries and the joint Internet portal, which will be used to promote and provide information on the network in the future. The Steering Committee will also validate the results of various activities, in particular the initial conclusions of the expert report on international demand for wine tourism.

Cinque Terre

In addition to the working sessions for the technical representatives for each partner site, an international workshop, entitled "Cultural heritage, the environment and sustainable tourism" will be held in the presence of delegations representing the UNESCO partners of the Cinqueterre park, the Val d’Orcia regional park in Tuscany and Vega Island in Norway.

The Val de Loire delegation will be led by Sophie Saramito, Vice-President of the Val de Loire Mission and a member of the Pays de la Loire regional council.




Europe Part-financed

The Vitour project

The partners are working together on conserving and promoting their specific cultural features: a Vitour landscape strategy is currently being developed, designed to combine the conservation of the landscape identity of the vineyards with maintaining their economic vitality, innovative wine tourism itineraries that are more sensitive to ecological constraints as well as an international communications strategy.

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