New sites or mobile applications

Published on 30 October 2012 - Updated 09 November 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

Visitors to a destination are making ever greater use of mobile technologies (smartphones, tablets). To meet these new expectations and benefit from the added value of digital services, cities and tourist sites are developing suitable sites or applications. A look at Fontevraud Abbey, Saumur, the Loire Châteaux, Chinon Fortress and the Museum of Prehistory.

Fontevraud is tapping into the potential of iPads and iPhones

A tour, a game, a discovery … everything harnessing the potential offered by digital technologies and the easy use of iPads. Since  September 2012, Fontevraud Abbey has offered a new enjoyable and educational visit itinerary for 9 to 14 year olds who visit the Abbey with their families or with school or extracurricular club groups. 

Two versions are accessible depending on the children's age: for those in primary school and those in secondary school. Along the way, they must find nine places ("boZZon") corresponding to  key moments of the day: meals, sleeping, working, etc. Once the "boZZon" has been found and the place identified, all they need to do is take a photo that the iPad recognises. The player can then access some historical information and a mini-game. 


The "Fontevraud" app developed for iPhone and iPad presents Fontevraud Abbey, its history, plans and artistic programme: texts, photos and videos. It also provides all the practical information you need to prepare for your visit and to find out about forthcoming events. 


An application to explore Saumur

Saumur is a Touristic'Tour app designed "to immerse travellers in a tourist experience", by focusing particularly on getting ready for the journey. It showcases the wealth of a cultural, historical and tourist heritage, particularly through walks turned into a story written by Jean-Baptiste Rabouan. 


"Mobile" sites for the Loire châteaux, Chinon Fortress and Museum of Grand-Pressigny

These sites are optimised for consultation from mobile technology (smartphone, tablet)

The "Loire Châteaux, Valley of the Kings" association brings together 66 monument sites along the Royal River Loire – running from Nantes (44) all the way to Briare (45). At the same time as giving its website a makeover, the association is also uploading a "mobile" site. 

As part of its 2012 action plan, the Tourism Directorate of the Indre-et-Loire County Council uploaded these sites for two of the monuments it manages in September 2012. 




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Photo d une rue de la ville de Luynes. On voit quelques maisons anciennes (tuffeau, colombages...) et une cabine téléphonique rouge.
Licence CC BY-NC-SA Francis Vautier / Mission Val de Loire


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