New look and blogs for the website

Published on 22 January 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

Three years after going live, the website has a new look.

With a new, lighter background colour on all pages and new fonts for all the menus, navigating around the site and finding what you need will be easier than ever. We've also given considerable thought to making the site more accessible, so browsing the site will be a more satisfying experience for all our users.

The latest key news items will be given pride of place on a cleaner, less cluttered home page, leaving plenty of space for you to find out more about the Val de Loire UNESCO World Heritage site, whether you're a first-time or regular visitor to the site.

New for 2007: the blogs!

In order to enhance the site's educational and general appeal from both light-hearted and expert points of view, is offering key players in the Val de Loire, who know our area's living cultural landscape from the inside out, the chance to contribute to the site.

To get the ball rolling, we've asked photographer Laurent Massillon to write our first blog. Laurent has been photographing the Loire for the last ten years. His blog will offer you the chance to explore the landscapes of the Loire through his lens on a regular basis.

If you too would like to share your passion for the Val de Loire as someone who is actively involved in our area, working in accordance with the values for which the site was included on the UNESCO list of World Heritage sites, please contact us with your blog proposal:  
Laurent Massillon's website



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