New Regional Contracts in the Pays de la Loire Region

Published on 20 July 2011 - Updated 27 July 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

Voted in at the end of June 2011, the Regional Council’s new contractual territorial policy follows on from the CTUs (single territorial contracts) initiated in 2004. The areas making up the UNESCO World heritage site of Val de Loire are granted a bonus of €15 per hectare of territory covered by the label (concurrent with the +€15 / hectare of RNP territory) agreed for the site’s municipalities. This being so, Mission Val de Loire will be involved in the contractualising process.

Broad guidelines: 

  • Over €300 million by 2016.
  • Contractualisation perimeters with a wider strategic scope as regards SCOT (Territorial Coherence Scheme) perimeters.
  • Contracts designed to meet regional policy priorities: economy, employment and education; human and territorial solidarity; and mobility and the environment.
  • Creation of a Fonds Régional d’Etudes Stratégiques (FRES – Regional Fund for Strategic Studies) to support territories in their development (up to 50% financing of studies, planning, and innovative engineering and activity creation).

The role played by Development Councils in drawing up contracts is strengthened by the region’s expressed wish to set up a network of Development Councils in Pays de la Loire. 

On the web:



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