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Loire partnership to improve the conveyance of drinking water in Moribabougou (Mali)

Published on 07 April 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

On Friday 26th March 2010, Diahra Diarra, Mayor of Moribabougou, and Joël Bigot, Mayor of Les-Ponts-de-Cé, signed the partnership agreement under which the town of Les-Ponts-de-Cé will be the project owner in the context of cross funding: Agence de l’Eau Loire Bretagne (35,000 euros), Les-Ponts-de-Cé (12,000 euros), Angers Loire Métropole (12,000 euros), UNESCO (Niger-Loire Project: Governance and Culture) (6,000 euros), Moribabougou, N’gabacoro droit and Sangarébougou (5,000 euros).


This project builds on the studies carried out in 2008 and 2009, funded through the "Niger-Loire" project: Governance and Culture", with the technical assistance of Loire Valley partners, particularly the Val de Loire Mission which has taken on a student from Tours University (land development department) and Angers Loire Métropole for this very purpose. Based on the feasibility study, Moribabougou has chosen the option of drilling.
A project proposal has been drawn up from these studies and the decision of the town benefiting from the project to carry out the second stage of the operation, focusing particularly on hydrogeological studies, reconnaissance drilling and water awareness and education activities.  

After this project, which will be implemented in 2010 and 2011, the partners undertake to look for partners who are like to carry out and operate the network, under the authority of the beneficiary towns.

Niger-Loire : gouvernance and culture



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