Loire by Bike: programme of events for 3 July

Published on 21 June 2005 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 19 ans

The programme of events in full ...

  • In Tours (Parc de la Gloriette) and Angers (SNCF bus station) meet from 08:30:
    • depart for a 50 mile ride to Montsoreau, accompanied respectively by Michel Sapin, president of the Centre region and Jean Germain, mayor of Tours, and by Jacques Auxiette, president of the Pays de la Loire region and Jean-Claude Antonini, mayor of Angers.
  • In Chinon (from the gymnasium at the Pointe du Camping) and Saumur (château car park) meet from 09:30 to 11:30:
    • depart for Montsoreau for routes of 11 miles and 9 miles respectively. Both routes will include discovery stop-overs led by Loire by Bike guides with music, story-telling, nature activities, and a chance to explore local buildings, wine-making and cave-dwelling sites - all places to rest and relax which represent some of the many spots to explore on the Loire by Bike route.
  • In Montsoreau at the foot of the château, depart from 11:45 to 16:30:
    • Official inauguration of this stretch of the route where the two regions meet at the foot of the château in Montsoreau.
    • Grand parade by the Pipototal company with its amazing pedal-driven constructions.
    • Giant picnic punctuated by the practical jokes of Yvonne and Gilbert’s Golden Wedding, celebrated by the New Rancard company. Huge table-cloths will be spread out in the grounds of the château de Montsoreau. You can bring your own picnic or buy some of the local gourmet treats available at the venue.



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