Loire Valley: launch of an interregional tourism brand

Published on 28 February 2014 - Updated 05 March 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

The Territorial Tourism Conference (Assises Territoriales du Tourisme) brought together tourism professionals, local authorities and public bodies in Nantes on 17 February and Orleans on 19 February 2014. The event aimed to contribute to national thought on making tourism a key lever of growth and employment in France. It was also the occasion for the two Regions to officially launch the “Val de Loire” tourism brand.

A leadingdestination!

France boasts a number of emblematic tourist destinations, including Paris, the Riviera Côte d'Azur, Saint Michael’s Mount... and, of course, the Loire Valley. The State and the two Centre and Pays de la Loire Regions are now launching an official brand, setting up a shared promotional programme together with the aim of making the Loire Valley one of France’s major tourism assets.  

The area covered by the “Val de Loire” brand comprises five départements, from Loiret to Loire-Atlantique – more extensive than the UNESCO World Heritage site alone. This is a tourist destination with no lack of acknowledged attractions, including the Loire Châteaux, Loire Valley wines, the “Loire à Vélo” cyclotourism itinerary and the Loire Valley UNESCO World Heritage site – not forgetting the many fascinating towns to be visited up and down the river: Orleans, Blois, Tours, Saumur, Angers, Nantes and Saint-Nazaire to name but a few. 

A brand founded on strong and distinctive values: liberty, creativity, balance, self-fulfilment, transmission and sharing. 

The “Val de Loire” code was the first creation on the part of the partners involved in the project, whose logo was unveiled during the Territorial Tourism Conference. Land of liberty, a balance of worlds fostering new dreams and fresh creation – such are the values the brand conveys. The Loire Valley is reaching out to the world at large, offering to share an unparalleled environment where the art of living is a source of individual and collective fulfilment. 

Upcoming steps include:

  • Finalisation of the marketing strategy,
  • Creation of tools for promoting the brand, digital aids in particular,
  • Implementation of a shared promotional programme for the Loire Valley destination.

Worth remembering

The Loire Valley is France’s 2nd cultural tourism destination after Paris and Île de France.
23% of tourists visiting the Loire Valley are foreign, with the British at the top of the list. 

Major Loire Valley tourist attractions include: 

  • The “Machines of the Isle” project in Nantes
  • Terra Botanica in Angers
  • Fontevraud Abbey
  • Beauval Zoological Park
  • The Château of Chambord
  • Chaumont gardens

In 2013, over 850,000 cyclotourists pedalled the “Loire à Vélo” cycle paths.
The Loire Valley includes one of the largest UNESCO sites ever listed in France: 280 km long, between Sully-sur-Loire (Loiret) and Chalonnes-sur-Loire (Maine-et-Loire). 

Project partners

The State, Atout France, the Centre Region, the Centre-Val de Loire Regional Tourism Committee, the Pays de la Loire Region and the Regional Agency - Pays de la Loire Territoires d'Innovation, along with Mission Val de Loire and the 5 départemental tourism development agencies for Loiret, Loir-et-Cher, Touraine, Anjou and Loire-Atlantique. Saint-Nazaire, Nantes, Angers, Saumur, Tours, Blois and Orleans tourist offices are also associated with the project. 

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