Les Madères, the home of Olivier Debré, now a listed site in Indre-et-Loire

Published on 06 December 2017 - Updated 05 February 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

Since 29 September, the site called "Les Madères", home to the painter Olivier Debré, situated in the villages of Noizay and Vernou-sur-Brenne, is now one of the listed sites in the Département of Indre-et-Loire.

It has belonged to the Debré family since the 1930s. Initially owned by the paediatrician Robert Debré, and then his son Olivier who went on to become a world-renowned painter, the latter set up one of his studios in one of the property's troglodytic cellars. 

Comprising a main residence built halfway up the hillside, the property is surrounded by terraces with breathtaking views over the River Cisse and Loire Valley. These terraces run alongside the property's residential quarters and troglodytic cellars which are hollowed out across the whole stretch of hillside. 

At the heart of a typical Loire Valley landscape, the quality of the site and heritage features making it up endow it with a wholly picturesque value, the reason behind its listing. 

This listing follows on from the Unesco Loire Valley management plan, which adopted the principle of safeguarding the 20 most symbolic sites of the Loire Valley by defining, for the most urbanised sections, architecture and heritage enhancement areas and, for predominantly natural spaces, listed sites. 

In the Département of Indre-et-Loire, 9 symbolic sites have been selected: 

  • The Confluence of the Loire and the Vienne,
  • The surroundings of Château de Rigny-Ussé,
  • Rabelais country and the setting for King Picrochole’s war,
  • The Loire at Bréhémont,
  • The Loire at La-Chapelle-aux-Naux,
  • La Chatonnière valley and Marnay rocky outcrop,
  • The complex encompassing the château, hillside, “Varennes” farmland, aqueduct and the Loire at Luynes,
  • Les Madères, home of Olivier Debré, in Vernou-sur-Brenne and Noizay,
  • The Loire at Amboise

For more information: 

Le premier site classé du Val de Loire UNESCO en région Centre-Val de Loire « Les Madères – Olivier DEBRE » - Centre-Loire Valley Regional Directorate for the Environment, Development and Housing (DREAL), October 2017 



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