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  • Introduction to the Institute and its Position in the Scientific World: the updated version of this document can now be found in the “Institut” section of the multimedia library.

Introduction to the Institute and its Position in the Scientific World: the updated version of this document can now be found in the “Institut” section of the multimedia library.

Published on 04 May 2006 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 18 ans

The document “Introduction to the Institute and its Position in the Scientific World” begins with an examination of the problem of “Rivers and Heritage”: what are the issues affecting the major river corridors and the heritage which is associated with them (natural and environmental heritage, material and ethnological heritage)?

It then goes on to explain more fully the scientific bases on which the Institute is founded. These are dealt with under five headings:

• Knowledge of the natural environment and its evolution
• The impact of Man: understanding the cultural landscape
• Conservation, preservation and restoration of heritage
• Managing and promoting river heritage: economic, tourist and cultural aspects.
• Indicators and models

The third and final section provides a brief introduction to the Institute’s aims, activities and functioning. You can now download the updated version of this document from the valdeloire.org site, section " Institut international fleuves et patrimoine".

The International Rivers and Heritage Institute



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