Heritage Thursdays: the Loire Valley World Heritage

Published on 05 February 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

To celebrate the ten year anniversary of the Loire Valley’s inclusion on the UNESCO World Heritage list, the Drac Centre cycle of conferences in 2010 is devoted to the Loire Valley heritage.


  • 28 th January - the Loire Valley's inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage list
  • 25 th February - for an archaeology of the Loire river region: review and research possibilities in the Centre region
  • 11 th March - the meeting of a river with its canals: the canal aqueducts in the Loire Valley between Briare and Digouin
  • 22 nd April - Marmoutier (Tours, Indre-et-Loire): origin, spatial organisation and environment of a large monastery by the Loire (4 th-19 th centuries)
  • 20 th May - the Loire landscape, source of inspiration for 19 th century painters
  • 17 th June - Crossing the river: the Loire bridges, the beginnings through to the 19 th century
  • 23 rd September - UNESCO protection and river heritage, example of the Orléans port
  • 21 st October - The Loire riverscape in pictures: encountering the collections of the Châteauneuf-sur-Loire Museum
  • 18 th November - the Loire Valley and Reconstruction. The cases of Tours and Blois
  • 16 th December - Loire Valley, world heritage, what future? Presentation of the management plan
These conferences will be given from 6pm to 7.30pm in the lecture theatre of the Muséum d'histoire naturelle at 6 rue marcel Proust in Orléans.



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