Green space management charter

Published on 05 June 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

With a view to pooling resources, Plante et Cité, an association bringing together all those involved in nature engineering in cities, is launching a national inventory of charters binding cities and companies to ensure compliance with environmental and sustainable policies by the different service providers.


The purpose is to draw up a support methodology and an adaptable "standard" charter, for cities that would like to undertake a similar initiative.
This is because it is often difficult for local authorities to harmonise measures with all landscape and green space stakeholders who work for a city, without a concrete tool to refer to. The charters developed by some authorities are meant to be appended to specifications.
Note: Plante et cité is now recognised by:
  • the French Ministries of Agriculture and Ecology as a test partner for the 2018 Ecophyto plan which seeks to cut pesticide use by half.
  • Val'hor, the ornamental gardening joint-trade association, as a national technical centre for research and testing on green spaces
Plante et cité



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Photo d une rue de la ville de Luynes. On voit quelques maisons anciennes (tuffeau, colombages...) et une cabine téléphonique rouge.
Licence CC BY-NC-SA Francis Vautier / Mission Val de Loire


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