Financing the FEDER Loire interregional OP

Published on 27 November 2015 - Updated 14 December 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

In the context of the European Funds’ new operational programming for the 2014-2020 period, permanent calls for projects for the 2016-2018 period have been launched. Projects should meet the Interregional OP’s Specific Objectives (SOs), which have been provided with a €33M budget.

Reducing the vulnerability of inhabitants and activities in areas particularly exposed to flood risk (SO 1)

Preventive action bearing on awareness-raising, knowledge of vulnerability to flood risk, and preservation or restoration of flood-risk areas 

Increasing economic benefits through new cultural and tourism products (SO 2)

Action helping to promote new tourist destinations in the Loire Basin, generating economic benefits and development of soft tourism. 

  • Operations fostering emergence and implementation of new tourism development strategies on local interregional entities emblematic of the Basin
  • Studies on and development of cyclotourism infrastructures enabling extension of itineraries along the Ligerian valleys
  • Development and promotion of the major hiking and horseback trekking itineraries along valley corridors.

Restoring functionality to the Loire Basin’s ecosystems (OS 3)

  • Management and restoration of ecological and sedimentary continuities, and reestablishment of the river and its main tributaries’ mobility area
  • Operations on preservation and restoration of wetlands

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