European summer school 2004 (2-5 November): provisional programme published

Published on 29 September 2004 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 19 ans

For the fourth year running, one of the Val de Loire’s universities is organising a European summer school, devoted to an aspect of heritage, in liaison with the Val de Loire Mission.

The 2004 event will be based around the theme "Heritage and the Economy: current position, interactions and future prospects" and will take place at the University of Orléans from 2 to 5 November 2004. The Val de Loire – World Heritage summer school is aimed at those involved in teaching and research, students and other key players and professionals involved in the field.
Theme for 2004
There are many interactions between heritage and the economy, even if the search for increased economic development means that for some, the intrinsic value of some parts of our heritage is underrated. It remains the case, however, that the survival and long-term durability of our heritage and its preservation for future generations depends a great deal on integrating it into society as it exists today. Ignoring its economic aspects would be prejudicial to this.
Areas which the fourth Val de Loire World Heritage summer school is planning to examine include the economy of the heritage itself - that is, the direct or indirect economic development brought about by its commercial exploitation - and the complex relationships between heritage and the economic world (for example, the jobs and expertise associated with it, public policies and the dynamics of players in the private sector, medium-term prospects and international challenges, and the long-term durability of projects and educational programmes).  
Provisional programme (the full provisional programme can be downloaded from the menu on the right)  
Tuesday 2 November: Summer school opens
Theme 1: Heritage as a lever for development
  • The challenge of heritage for local development
  • Heritage and economic activity
  • Heritage and development: models and systems
Wednesday 3 November:
Theme 2: Heritage: management, commercial exploitation, increasing economic value and promotion
  • Cultural content and economic value
  • Management methods and profitability
  • Marketing and publicity
  • Beyond heritage: the products and roles derived from it
Thursday 4 November: Field day
Friday 5 November:
Theme 3: Heritage, a vehicle for sustainable tourism
  • Planning for sustainability?
  • Developing and adapting tourist activities
Theme 4: Heritage-based jobs and training … Employment?
  • Round table
  • Summary and conclusion
  • Close
Contact details:
General organisation:


Logistical and practical information: Agence LFE: +33 (0)2 47 77 57 75
This summer school is being organised jointly by the University of Orléans and the Val de Loire Mission with the co-operation of the Centre and Pays de la Loire regions and the support of the French Ministry of Education, the Loiret department, DIREN (the environmental management service for the Centre region), the Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (government department for public funding and investment), the conurbation of Orléans, the city of Orléans and EDF (French electricity).
For further information, visit the page dedicated to the event on the University of Orléans website: Université d'Orléans



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