European pastel conference

Published on 03 May 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

From 17th to 19th July 2010, Saint Florent le Vieil will be hosting the second European pastel conference, where French and foreign amateur and professional artists will be able to meet. This conference will be held during the Estivales internationales du Pastel at which 200 works will be on show and 4 courses will be put on.


The following "Maîtres Pastellistes" will be attending:
  • Gwenneth Barth, an internationally renowned American portrait artist,
  • Patrick Martin, still life, an experienced teacher and talented artist,
  • Alain Bellanger, a remarkable painter of plants, renowned among collectors for his amazingly true-to-life work,
  • Chris, well-known among collectors, shares his secrets with us.
Pierre Caro, one of our greatest pastel artists, whose work features in many private collections around the world, will share his views on the artist's profession and Art as he designs it at a conference.
Programme and booking:

Pastellistes de France



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