Eurodistrict Basel draws inspiration from the Loire Valley

Published on 31 May 2012 - Updated 07 June 2012
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

The Trinational Eurodistrict Basel is a residential area and economic basin centred around Switzerland’s third largest city and the border towns and municipalities of France and Germany. Situated at a crossroads of languages, the area is taking up the challenge of preparing the first truly international “Internationale Bauaustellung” (IBA Basel 2020), with the aim of turning the unimaginable into fascinating reality. On 16 May 2012, Mission Val de Loire took part in the IBA Basel 2020 exhibition, an opportunity for work and discussion between local authority officials, technicians and project promoters with a view to initiating a common project alongside the Rhine.

Isabelle Longuet, Director of Mission Val de Loire, and Sustainable Development Officer Myriam Laidet presented the management system set up following the Loire Valley’s inclusion on the World Heritage List, along with such multidimensional projects implemented as “La Loire à Vélo”. 

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