Educational programmes

Published on 01 July 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

The Loire, but especially the people who live along it and their economic activities, constitute an excellent subject for research.


A drop of water in the Ocean
In the 1% cultural framework of the new professional high school in Giennois, artist Olivier Leroi is producing an original work, the first part of which involves following the progress of a water molecule along the Loire and then in the Atlantic Ocean. The molecule takes the form of an Argos buoy and you can monitor its progress in real time on the site . A log book also keeps you up to date with the remarkable encounters of this buoy with Loire people, thus raising it beyond the level of a purely geographical study of the river.
The Loire-Anjou-Touraine Regional Natural Park is offering all types of municipality inside the Park its 2008/2009 regional education programme which touches on a variety of themes: heritage, landscape, sustainable development, natural environments, agriculture, craftsmanship, energy, and others.



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