Discovery of a Gallic city in Allonnes (Maine-et-Loire)

Published on 12 December 2019 - Updated 08 January 2020
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 4 ans

In Allonnes, in the département of Maine-et-Loire, a research team from the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP) has unearthed an ancient Gallic city founded in II BC, along with an adjacent complex of worship.

The 2,000 structures revealed by the excavations correspond to buildings measuring from 9 to 50 sq.m. Although the Gallic city seems to have been moved during the Roman era, at the turn of I BC, the complex of worship was used for some 600 years, right up until the 4th century BC. This was a place where myriad votive offerings were made (coins, weapons, gold ingots, etc.), either by the city's residents or perhaps by travellers from further afield.
The excavations began in December 2018, as part of the construction of the future housing estate "Les Lisières" in Allonnes. They were halted in June 2019, and resumed in September, finally coming to an end in November 2019. 




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