[Fr] Retour en images sur les 14es Rendez-vous du Val de Loire
Les 14es Rendez-vous du Val de Loire patrimoine mondial se sont tenus à Tours le mercredi 20 novembre. Près de 300 personnes se sont déplacées pour...
Published on 30 April 2013 - Updated 16 May 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans
Aerial shots by the Blois photographer Nicolas Lenartowski for "Dérives, à fleur de Loire" have been taken over the 280 kilometres of the site listed as a UNESCO World Heritage, over the space of four years (2009-2012). Only the Loire bed has been photographed, from an altitude of 500 to 1,500 m, producing pictures that are sometimes abstract and often disorientating. The depiction of this work in a publication and exhibitions has been funded by the Mission Val de Loire.
As highlighted by the text's author, Stéphane Audeguy: "To get an idea of just how original Nicolas Lenartowski's work is, you simply have to open this book at random: from this great river with which we thought we were so familiar, the artist has captured arabesques, spirals, sweeping areas of flat colour and countless photographic wonders, with consummate freshness and science. Sparking our imagination between two stretches of water, between two banks, Nicolas Lenartowski's work penetrates the colours and movements of the river..."
144 p. – 91 photographs - €39
Photographs by Nicolas Lenartowski
Texts by Stéphane Audeguy.
The Centre of Arts and Nature at the Domaine Régional de Chaumont-sur-Loire is presenting exclusive prints from 6th April to 11th November 2013 as part of its cultural programme.
The Loire Valley presents the photographer with incomparable light, and he has captured unbelievable abstract scenes in the meanders of this majestic river. The subject becomes matter, but although Nicolas Lenartowski's images are well and truly abstract in style, they remain photographs of the real and natural world for all that – much like the paintings of Olivier Debré.
A second exhibition showcasing other photographs will be on display in several venues:
The river and its heritage are a regular source of inspiration for writers and photographers alike. These two publications have recently been released:
In this fine book, Gino Blandin and Michel Sigrist give readers the chance to explore Saumur and what makes it so distinctive through a guided tour. Accompanying pictures, the text reminds us or teaches us of how the town came about, the tuffeau stone and the slate roofs that bestow upon the town its utterly unique light.
Mars 2013
224 pages, 300 photos - €29.90
Anchored in our collective memory, the Royal River had nevertheless been forgotten until the memorable day in 2000 when UNESCO crowned it as a World Heritage of Humanity. Jean-Luc Péchinot's photographs pay tribute to these royal waters and reveal other reflections. Those of a dream-like Loire which, from its toes in the Ardèche to its mouth in the Atlantic Ocean, is still privileged to be able to improvise its destiny as a free river.
Published by Editions Alan Sutton
128 pages, €11
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