Conference on “Sustainable town planning and construction”

Published on 03 September 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

After the first regional conference in 2007, the Centre region is organising a second meeting to readdress the issue of sustainable architecture and think in more depth about sustainable planning. This will take place on 1st and 2nd October 2009 at the Lycée agricole du Subdray (Cher).


On the programme:
  • Sustainable town planning: what challenges in the Centre region?
  • Sustainable town planning, a culture change?
  • What public policies for sustainable town planning?
  • Eco-districts: a step towards sustainable town planning?
  • What sustainable town planning in Scandinavian countries?
  • What do we mean by sustainable construction?
  • How to succeed a sustainable construction project?
  • Activities to choose from : guided tour of the Subdray sixth-form college, presentation of the Approche Environnementale de l'Urbanisme (Environmental Approach to Town Planning) and sustainable architecture, guided tours of exhibitions, travelling energy-info stand .
Programme and registration on Centre Regional Council website.



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