Competition “Draw your Loire”/“This is my Loire!”

Published on 07 April 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

In order to promote the contents of the site, raise youngsters’ awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and encourage them to explore the banks of the Loire, a fun but cultural competition has been running for primary and secondary schoolers since 18th March 2010.


For primary school children: " Draw your Loire": All children in the Loire area have the chance to draw what the Loire and its tributaries represent for them.
For secondary school students: " This is my Loire": All students have the chance to give an individual or team presentation of the Loire in the format of their choice (video, slam, photo, graff, poem, etc.).
Each entry must address at least one of the three main challenges of the 2007-2013 "Plan Loire Grandeur Nature" :
  • Live sustainably in the floodable valleys of the Loire and its main tributaries
  • Protect and restore the common properties of water resources, natural spaces and heritage species
  • Enhance the natural, cultural, tourist and landscape heritage of the Loire and its main tributaries for sustainable development.
The competition website:



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