Clean up the Loire!

Published on 02 March 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

From 08:30 to 12:30 on Saturday 21 March 2009, the Maison de Loire du Loir-et-Cher and Loire Watch are organising an Ecocivics Day to clear rubbish from the banks of the Loire. In fifteen local authority areas volunteers will be able to join in, exploring wildlife and going onboard traditional riverboats to help tidy the islands.

This is the sixth time the operation has been mounted; it is organized in partnership with the nuclear power station of St-Laurent-des-Eaux and with help from the Centre Region, the General Council, the French Savings Bank, DIREN and the Loire Management Board.

In addition to picking up litter, the morning's work is also designed to raise awareness and get as many people as possible to discover the Loire Valley's wildlife. For this purpose activists from the Maison de la Loire and Loire Watch, alongside representatives from other partner associations and BTS pupils from Vendôme Agricultural College, will be staffing special points along the riverbanks in each of the fifteen local authority areas, offering a chance to go in a canoe or a traditional river boat, or to learn about wildlife.
The day's success depends on getting everyone to do their bit. All the local inhabitants, young and old, whether they live by the river or further away, are invited to discover and help conserve the landscapes of the Loire, now a UNESCO World Heritage site since 2000.
Further details +33 2 5456 8007
We should note that the Maison de Loire du Loir-et-Cher has a new website:
The Maison de Loire d'Indre-et-Loire got therea few weeks earlier:



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