Château d’Azay-le-Rideau makes itself accessible

Published on 27 November 2015 - Updated 14 December 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

Since early summer 2015, Château d’Azay-le-Rideau has been providing visitors with tactile discovery tools in the form of 4 models located in the great hall on the first floor. Far from being solely intended for use by the visually impaired, they have attracted the attention of a great many visitors, younger ones in particular. The château’s guides, shop staff and reception personnel recently attended a three-day training course dispensed by a body specialising in cultural mediation and accessibility.

Each of the 4 models presents a different approach to the monument:

  • The château and grounds in their environment,
  • The château in relief,
  • Sectional view of the main stairway and relief reproduction of the pediment incorporating a shape-recognition game,
  • Mouldings of the salamander and the ermine.

They are used by guides and monument staff during visits. 

Other tools and services are available, for group visits in particular. 

On the web:



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