Chaîne des Puys – Limagne fault listed as a World Heritage

Published on 26 July 2018 - Updated 02 August 2018
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 5 ans

On 2 July, during the 42nd session of the World Heritage Committee which met in Bahrain from 24 June to 4 July, its 21 State-Party members decided to inscribe the Chaîne des Puys - Limagne fault tectonic arena on the Unesco World Heritage List. 18 other new sites have been inscribed (13 cultural, 3 natural and 3 mixed properties).

Chaîne des Puys – Limagne fault

This unique landscape represents the first natural property in mainland France to be listed, and one of the few tectonic World Heritage sites. 

This tectonic arena has been recognised by Unesco as an outstanding geological site. The alignment of the Chaîne des Puys volcanoes and long Limagne fault bear witness to a colossal phenomenon which shapes the face of the Earth: continental break-up, or rifting. This geological history is spectacularly manifested in the landscapes and sparks visitors' imaginations as they gaze upon these verdant volcanoes and what might have been a new ocean. 

With the State's backing, this listing crowns a long, 11-year process. A fully-fledged territory-wide project, the application galvanised local authorities, businesses, associations and residents around the recognition and protection of this outstanding natural heritage.  


Chaîne des Puys –  Limagne fault  

List of 19 new sites inscribed on the Unesco World Heritage List  



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