Call for sponsors: Student horticulture and landscaping assignments

Published on 07 April 2016 - Updated 18 April 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

The 2017 Project Engineering (IDP) training course will be held at Agrocampus Ouest, Angers, from 20 March to 12 May 2017. It will give companies an opportunity to hand horticultural and/or landscaping projects over to groups of 6 to 9 students. 15 projects are selected every year.

Project themes include landscaping of estates, ecodistricts and town entrances, promotion of built and unbuilt heritage, the intermunicipality Local Urban Planning Scheme (PLU), land art, improvement of communication and promotion of quality and environment initiatives, biodiversity, studies of premises optimisation and irrigation systems, studies of product markets, logistics and marketing, and training feasibility studies. 

Completed project sheets should be submitted in November 2016 for initial project selection in mid-December and final selection at the beginning of January at the latest. 

On the web:



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