Call for “Landscape Plan” projects, 2015

Published on 04 February 2015 - Updated 11 February 2015
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 9 ans

The Ministry of Sustainable Development has launched a new call for “Landscape Plan” projects with a view to taking better account of landscape in public policies. Applications must be submitted by 15 February 2015 at the latest, to each area’s Regional Directorate for the Environment, Spatial Planning and Housing (DREAL).

Landscape plans constitute a tool for taking full account of the landscape, whether it’s a question of its protection, management or development, in sectorial spatial planning policies (urban planning, transport, infrastructures, renewable energies and agriculture) at operational levels of the landscapes and population catchment areas that form landscape units. 

Winners of the “Landscape Plan” call for projects will receive a €30,000 grant towards setup of their projects. 

Pays de la Loire DREAL held a meeting on 13 January to present the call for projects. 

On the web:



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