CG37: new measures to promote the Loire patrimony

Published on 27 October 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 15 ans

These measures concern river tourism and the Touraine Gardens. They are certified in the modified budget for 2008 presented to the Indre-et-Loire departmental assembly at the session held on Tuesday 30th September 2008.


To enable an improved promotion of the Val de Loire's registration as part of UNESCO's world heritage, the Conseil général will conduct two flagship projects for Loire identity, that will take the form of specific agreements between the Conseil Général and the Conseil Régional du Centre.
Bring river traffic and the Loire ports back to life
The CG37 is launching a programme to de rehabilitate the region's ports over several years, having already received authorisation for a €200,000 programme in line with the Modified Budget.
The registration of the necessary credits will take place in 2009, once the programme to rehabilitate the facilities and ports is drawn up, as well as supporting river-based activities, following the works of Michel Verdier, in charge of the mission since June to work on these two aspects.
Enhancing the gardens of Touraine
Claude Roiron, president of the Conseil général put himself forward to Jean-Louis Sureau, director of the Royal Château of Amboise, to chair a « Gardens of Touraine » committee, made up of elected members and qualified personalities, who will be in charge of working to create gardens in sites and monuments in the department as well as to put forward actions to improve gardens
This policy will begin with the Conseil General's historical properties: 
-         completion of a romantic garden at the Balzac de Saché museum,
-         development of gardens at the Grand-Pressigny Pre-historic Museum on the occasion of its reopening in Spring 2009,
-         and the remodelling of the rose gardens at theSaint Cosme priority.
The Modified Budget authorised the 2-year €200,000 programme to construct gardens, an authorisation which will evolve in length and amount as per discussions with the Conseil Regional of the Centre region and the projects put forward by the committee. A payment credit of € 5,000 has already been granted to finance the initial studies. 



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