CESER Centre gives its opinion on the draft Management Plan

Published on 04 October 2011 - Updated 14 October 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 13 ans

During the plenary session of 23 September 2011, the Centre Region’s Conseil Economique, Social et Environnemental Régional (CESER – Regional Economic, Social and Environmental Council) unanimously adopted an opinion on the Management Plan, rendered following its submission by the Regional Council.

The CESER took “positive cognisance of the approach and its undeniable necessity, seeing that obtention of the label was duty-bound to go together with the assurance that the qualities which led to its award would be perpetuated”. It acknowledged that the current version was “a very well-constructed document presenting a complex set of problematics, a document illustrated with examples of actions of undeniable educational interest.” 

The CESER went on to identify the conditions that still had to be fulfilled, in particular the plan’s “indispensable coherence with the various sectorial policies (…) and the procedures arising therefrom”, mentioning the necessity of taking account of the preservation of biodiversity, and of incorporation into town-planning documents of landscape studies that needed to be well understood and prepared. 

“Through these two examples, the CESER considers that the only real key factor to success is in-depth dialogue.” 

Finally, the CESER raised the question of “the (UNESCO) label’s compatibility with architectural creative freedom, which must not be restrained as it was such freedom that, from Chambord to the Pont de l’Europe, did much to contribute to the Loire Valley territory being awarded the label.” 


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