Building a Loire barge in Lignières de Touraine

Published on 22 December 2006 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

For the past fifteen years or so, numerous volunteer organisations in the region have been building traditional Loire boats to bring the heritage of the river back to life.

Hoel and Ninon Jacquin, whose fathers and grandfathers were carpenters, have begun work on building a Loire barge, "La Fillonnerie", a project that started in September 2006 and will continue until September 2007.

Building de Loire barge

A charitable organisation known as the "Charpentiers d’ieau" has been created for the project, with the aim of building heritage boats and designing and/or producing boating accessories. A second organisation, Ancre de Loire, aims to create, organise and participate in cultural events based on the boats.

The boatyard is open to visitors once a month. School visits can be arranged by appointment.

Charpentiers d’ieau
31 rue d’Azay le Rideau
37130 Lignières de Touraine

For further information and to follow the progress of the project:

Ancre de Loire



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