Boatbuilding at the Musée de la marine de Loire

Published on 14 June 2017 - Updated 19 July 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 7 ans

The Musée de la marine de Loire in Châteauneuf-sur-Loire is putting the spotlight on construction of Loire rivercraft, with an exhibition and a boatyard in action in 2017.

Building a fûtreau

Since March 2017, the Museum’s courtyard has been acting as a boatyard for construction of a traditionalLoire fûtreau 10 metres long and 2.5 metres wide, built by the Communauté des Mariniers de Châteauneuf .  

Set up in 1993, this forty-strong bargees’ association has always attracted those with a love of the Loire and an interest in practising the navigation techniques of bygone days – sail, iron-tipped pole, oars and towrope – using traditional boats. During their outings, they help keep up the traditions of navigation on the Loire and introduce them to the public at large. 

The project enjoys the support of a number of financial partners, including the Centre-Val de Loire Region, the Département of Loiret and several donators among Châteauneuf’s companies. 

The boatyard will be open to the public on Heritage Days and during guided tours of the exhibition. School groups are welcome upon reservation. 

“The Boat makers” Exhibition

From 19 May to 15 October 2017, the exhibition provides visitors with an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the principles of navigation on rivers, boatbuilding techniques, the various trades connected with boatbuilding (woodcutters, pit-sawers, carpenters, etc.), boatyards and the main types of boats

Multimedia mises-en-scène and activities, along with practical activities such as assembling model boats, are on offer. Video reports and testimonies also provide insight into construction methods and ways of sailing on the Loire in the 21st century. 

Guided tours at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays 25 June, 16 July, 13 August and 24 September.  



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