Big Jump, into the water – for the water’s sake

Published on 11 June 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 17 ans

The Big Jump is a Europe-wide event that brings together, all at the same time, people who love river-bathing and are prepared to jump into the water. The next session will be on 15 July 2007.

The aim is to raise awareness amongst the public of the water quality in our rivers. The Big Jump (2005-2015) is intended to be “a project that uses a popular event to express the essential aims of European legislation affecting water management”.

In France and for the Loire basin in particular, it is organised by SOS Loire vivante (Living Loire) To find out all the venues for the river-bathing events, see the Loire Valley Big Jump website.

Further information:

Loire Valley Big Jump  

It’s worth noting that one of the locations for the Big Jump is the Belle-Laveuse site in Chinon, during its water festival.

This festival has a number of events on offer, including: rod and line fishing (presentation and demonstration by APPMA), “Loire Games” supervised by the CPIE, swimming from Rivière down to Chinon, a dance and a guinguette – a friendly little restaurant with music and dancing.
Several exhibitions devoted to flora and fauna and river-bathing will also be organised: “Bathing in Chinon” and “Beaches of the Loire” at the Centre Descartes and “Pleasures of the Loire” at the CLAAC.

For the complete programme see:

Chinon Area Tourist Office  



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