Aurelia, Orléans’ digital library

Published on 19 December 2013 - Updated 06 January 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

This new digital library, a member of the Orléans library and mediatheque network, was put on line on 1 October 2013. It is a tool for promotion and conservation of Orléans Mediatheque’s heritage as well as being a digital service for the use of the general public, researchers, scientists and novices alike.

Almost 23,000 digitised documents from the 15th century to 1941 were online at its launch, with the prospect of reaching close to 41,000 by mid-2015, the oldest dating back to the 7th century. 

The site supplies documents of acknowledged local and regional interest, bearing on the history of Orléans, its inhabitants and the region as a whole, consultable, downloadable, printable and reusable free of charge. 

On the web:



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