“Au fil de l’eau, les affluents de la Loire”

Published on 19 December 2013 - Updated 06 January 2014
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 11 ans

No.128 of Revue 303 invites its readers to go down to the waterside. Not the waters of the Loire itself, the region’s majestic backbone, nor those of the nearby ocean, but those – less in evidence perhaps but very present for all that – of the streams and tributaries that flow into the great river.

This excursion to the soothing rhythm of the waters, across the five départements of the Pays de la Loire Region, is guided by a selection of scholarly, technical and poetic articles, in discovery of familiar landscapes, often amazing fauna and flora, unique architecture and the many pleasures of fishing. 

With, at a bend in the river shrouded in the autumn mist, much to dream on as an introduction to a special edition which will open the new year with a portrait gallery of the many watercourses that supply the royal river. 

Revue 303 - November 2013
96 pages – €18 

Collective work edited by Jacques Cailleteau 



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