Arts and Spatial Planning

Published on 08 February 2016 - Updated 18 February 2016
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 8 ans

The “Arts et Aménagement des Territoires” (Arts and Spatial Planning) collaborative platform is designed to share initiatives at the crossroads of the arts and spatial planning, and is intended for up-and-coming or established public and private actors in the fields of the arts and urban planning, local government officials and public institutions, making updated information freely available to them.

It is one of the results of the Arts et Aménagement des Territoires” Guide Plan, a national study entrusted to the pOlau urban arts centre by the Ministry of Culture and Communication – General Directorate for Artistic Creation (DGCA). The Guide Plan lists over 300 initiatives in and outside France, as well as providing an analysis and suggesting possible approaches and actions with regard to artistic and cultural retooling of our régions. 

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