Are you looking for an exhibition?

Published on 05 April 2017 - Updated 23 June 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 7 ans

Loire Valley stakeholders are invited to borrow the exhibitions put together by Mission Val de Loire, designed in order to promote the heritage of the UNESCO site. New in 2017 – Mission Val de Loire is making two support booklets available to children, as well as new stands for an indoor exhibition presentation.

What's new in 2017

These new features will be presented during the  2017 world heritage mediation meetings

Children's booklets

These booklets enable children between 8 and 12 years old to explore exhibitions through a series of multiple choice questions (around 30), organised by theme. Mainly aimed to be used independently by families, they will also be able to be used as part of school or extracurricular events.  

The booklets produced relate to the following exhibitions: 

  • The Loire Fleet during the 18th century;
  • Pleasures of the Loire (1800-1970);

These booklets are the result of dialogue conducted with the Loire Valley stakeholders during the Rencontres de la médiation: the idea had been put forward in 2013 then was the subject of a workshop in 2014. 

Indoor stands

These new, light stands will make handling for the transport of exhibitions easier. They can only be used indoors. 

For outdoor exhibitions, the usual, more resistant, stands will continue to be used. 

2017 presentations

  • The Loire Fleet during the 18th century
    • No dissemination planned for the moment
  • Pleasures of the Loire (1800-1970)
    • In Meung-sur-Loire, from December 2017 to February 2018, at an exhibition on the theme "Have fun in my town".
  • The Loire Valley seen by foreigners
    • At the Musée de la Marine de Loire in Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, in the last quarter.
  • Crossing the Loire
    • In Beaugency, in September for the European Heritage Days.
    • In Chalonnes-sur-Loire, dates to be confirmed between spring and summer, when the cable-stayed bridge in Chalonnes is undergoing work.
  • Ports of the Loire
    • In Orléans, during the Festival de Loire.
  • Manage
  • Who does what?

La Mission Val de Loire produit des expositions dans une optique de valorisation des patrimoines du Val de Loire. Les acteurs du Val de Loire sont invités à emprunter et diffuser ces expositions conçues pour l’itinérance.

Also find out about the Expositions itinérantes offered by the Loire Valley stakeholders. 



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