Applications for restoring the “Battles” of Richelieu

Published on 07 April 2010 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

The Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours, Musée des Beaux-Arts d’Orléans and Musée Municipal de Richelieu, with the assistance of the Fondation du Crédit Agricole Pays de France and Fondation du Patrimoine have launched an applications campaign for the population and businesses with a view to restoring the “Battles” for the “Richelieu in Richelieu” exhibition due to be held in the spring of 2011.


This exhibition will mainly focus on the décors and collections of Cardinal Richelieu, acquired and commissioned to deck out his family residence in Touraine, and reconstructed according to Jacques Lemercier's drawings from 1631 onwards.
On the first floor of the north wing, over some 70 m, the Gallery of Battles unveiled an exceptional rich iconographic programme on its walls, glorifying the military campaigns led by Louis XIII and Richelieu from 1627 to 1636. 12 paintings have survived from this prestigious décor today, kept in the Château de Versailles' collections. 9 large paintings (3.5 m x 2.6 m) now need considerable restoration work before they can be put on public display. After the exhibition, these works will be on long-term loan to the three partner museums.
The exhibition will present a collection of paintings, sculptures, artefacts and furniture, as well as the largest collection of antique sculptures in France from the first half of the 17 th century (around 200 statues and busts), one of the very first in Europe.

Download the brochure and application form



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