This exhibition, open from 10 to 30 May and then in July and August at the Maison du Parc naturel régional Loire-Anjou-Touraine (Loire-Anjou-Touraine Regional Natural Park Centre), offers an interactive journey through the World Heritage sites in the Loire Valley.
Val de Loire is curating this exhibition for the Centre and
Pays de la Loire regions which presents the idea of a cultural
journey as it applies to the World Heritage of the Loire Valley.
Open to everyone, and offering several layers of meaning, it forms
part of our ambition to share and raise awareness of the values
behind inscription on the World Heritage list.
In a graphic ambiance decorated with emblematic symbols of the
Loire landscape, touch screens allow visitors to tailor their trip
to their own tastes, exploring the heritage properties and cultural
values which led to the Loire Valley achieving World Heritage
status in November 2000.
The menu offers five options:
- A quick before and after flyover of the Loire Valley, two
centuries apart
- A summary of UNESCO and World Heritage
- And three themed chapters:
o In the beginning, a river
o The Loire, one waterway, a variety of
o Heritage and culture in the Loire, bringing
together history, and stone, vine and garden crafts.
Designed with a committee of experts, the exhibition draws
on ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) to reshape
the reading and interpretation of our heritage.
Tours of the Park Centre: