An educational kit designed to raise awareness of landscapes among lower secondary students

Published on 19 June 2012 - Updated 12 July 2013
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 12 ans

Made up of educational and documentary tools presenting the geographical, patrimonial and cultural characteristics of the Loire Valley UNESCO World Heritage site, the kit is an aid for use by teachers, providing material for activities and educational sequences or programming in the classroom or as fieldwork, with a view to raising pupils’ awareness of their environment. The activities it contains have been designed by education professionals in line with the contents of national educational programmes, covering all common core skills and giving precedence to a multidisciplinary approach.

The kit comes in the form of an envelope folder containing a booklet and a digital support. It is disseminated to the learning resource centres of all lower secondary schools in the Loire Valley, to the CRDP/CDDP network, and to cultural and heritage institutions organising lower-secondary-level educational activities. 

The educational resources kit is the result of work carried out in partnership with the Orleans-Tours Education Authority and Mission Val de Loire, on behalf of the Centre and Pays de la Loire Regions. 

Raising awareness of the issues involved in preserving the Loire Valley’s cultural landscape

The Loire Valley was added to the UNESCO World Heritage list on 30 November 2000, as a living and evolving cultural landscape. Such inclusion supposes that the site’s exceptional universal value will be preserved both with regard to its integrity and its authenticity. To this end, action must be taken to make all of the site’s inhabitants – lower secondary students in particular – mindful of the interest and composition of this landscape, so that, in the future, they will contribute to the development of their home territory in full respect of its characteristics. 


Rémi Deleplancque   

Education and Culture Officer  

Mission Val de Loire   

81 rue Colbert BP4322-37043 TOURS cedex 1  

Telephone: 02 47 66 94 49 - Fax: 02 47 66 02 18  

deleplancque (a)   

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