An Orléans-based start-up wins a heritage – new technologies prize

Published on 25 November 2009 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 14 ans

Showaround has been awarded the Heritage – New Technologies prize by the magazine Pèlerin for its Internet portal of “France in 360°” virtual tours (, which does not have any advertising and is exclusively made up of high definition 360° virtual tours.


Totally immersed in high definition images , visitors can browse horizontally or vertically at just a mouse click.
The manager of Showaround, William Grand, is delighted that the work accomplished over the last 3 years has been recognised: "We travel all round France to give the public the very best images possible. And just like for the actual builders of our heritage, our key word is: quality. Taking most of our shots from several metres above ground not only brings added style but also requires technical skill to minimise the deformation of three-dimensional lines of the monuments we snap by positioning ourselves halfway up the façade."
Showaround offers to create this turnkey content as well as customised interactive content  with the following references: Vinci (A19 work site), le Nouvel Obs (Paris Motor Show 2008) and the Charente Tourist Board (popular tourist sights in 360°).
In the heritage domain, Showaround is a partner of Vieilles Maisons Françaises (VMF) and the Observatoire du Patrimoine Religieux (OPR)


La France en 360°
Blog Showaround
Pélerin patrimoine



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