A wide range of mobile phone applications for discovering Val de Loire

Published on 15 February 2011 - Updated 24 February 2011
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 13 ans

With ever increasing sales of smartphone-type mobiles, players in the tourist sector are developing growing numbers of specially adapted services to promote their destinations. InterLoire, Loir-et-Cher, the Tours urban area and Clos-Lucé have recently brought out their own applications.

Loire Wines

The iPhone application on offer from Interloire supplies a range of services: 

  • organising your wine-tourism stay in Val de Loire,
  • finding accommodation in the heart of the vineyards,
  • geolocating a nearby “Cave touristique du Vignoble de Loire”®,
  • participating in a gourmet ramble,
  • sharing memories with your friends.


Download the iPhone application  

Loir-et-Cher tour


On offer from the Tourist Office, this service is available as an iPhone application (for iPhones) and as a mobile site (for other telephones). 

It enables you to prepare your stay and set off in exploration of Cœur Val de Loire, referencing 900 offers available in Loir-et-Cher: “What to do” – “Events” – “Where to eat” – “Where to sleep”. Geolocation of offers and itinerary search are also included in the services provided, as is the possibility of sharing your reactions and suggestions. 


Download the application or access the online version  

Tours monument tracker

This application, which already exists for many other cities (including Paris, Madrid and London), is available for iPhone and Android. It notifies visitors when they pass nearby (at a distance they can set for themselves) a monument, place of interest, museum, or remarkable architectural feature. Visitors can then geolocate the point of interest and consult a summary notice composed of a short text and a picture. 

Paying: 0.79 € 

Tours Monument Tracker  

Everything about Leonardo da Vinci at Château du Clos Lucé, his home

The iPhone application on offer from Château du Clos Lucé enables you to: 

  • invite yourself to Leonardo da Vinci’s last home, with 3D animated films to help you understand his inventions, presented in the models room.
  • explore the grounds and garden through a series of 360° panoramic photographsshare your experiences with friends and loved ones, thanks to the application’s Facebook Connect and Twitter functionalities. 


Download the application  



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