A research programme aimed at improving knowledge about the Val de Loire

Published on 19 September 2007 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

Within the framework of a training course at the CAUE 41 and the Val de Loire Mission, Rafael Vives, a student in geomatics in the second year of a Master’s course in Geosciences and the Environment at the University of Orleans, working with the International Rivers and Heritage Institute, has developed, on an experimental basis, a computer model for reading landscapes on both banks of the Loire in six communes in Loir-et-Cher (Suèvres, Cour sur Loire, Ménars, Saint Dyé sur Loire, Montlivault, Saint Claude en Diray).

To achieve this, a programme involving data collection and integration into a SIG, that is, a Geographical Information System, including old maps, aerial photos and SIG data was carried out.

Producing a report entitled “Development of a methodology for spatio-temporal analysis of an area registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site” is aimed at putting forward a methodology that would be applicable to other Val de Loire sites, with a view to improving knowledge about the area.



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