A new look for the keep at the Château de Langeais

Published on 22 March 2008 - Updated 22 December 2010
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 16 ans

The keep at Langeais, built shortly before the year 1000 by Foulque Nerra, was one of the first keeps in France to be built entirely of stone. All that now remains is an impressive wall, seventeen metres long and around ten metres high, to which a six-metre high wooden scaffold, with machinery, designed by Arnaud de Saint-Jouan, architect in chief for Historic Monuments, has now been added.

Its construction is based on a historical hypothesis and has been built for educational purposes, to help visitors to understand how a mediaeval building site might have operated, and to better appreciate the keep.
This large-scale project was carried out by companies in the region that have been awarded the "Historic Monuments" quality label, and was completed at the end of March 2008. The whole of the structure and its fixing mechanism are reversible.

Work has also been carried out on the chateau's grounds, with the creation of a children's play area. A 40 sq.m tree house on three levels, perched in one of the magnificent cedars in the park, offers a breathtaking view over the landscape of the Loire.

Further information:
Château de Langeais



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