A new Network Coordination and Digital Officer at Mission Val de Loire

Published on 27 October 2017 - Updated 11 December 2017
Cet article date d'il y a plus de 6 ans

Following the departure of Mickaël Poiroux, Innovation and Digital Officer, Vianney Barbin has joined the Mission Val de Loire team. He arrived at the beginning of October and will take care of managing the Mission’s online tools (resource portal, social media, etc.) and overseeing coordination of the networks of stakeholders in the region of the UNESCO site.

Mickaël Poiroux, who worked for Mission Val de Loire for 10 years as webmaster then Innovation and Digital Officer, left his position in September to join Nantes Métropole. Vianney Barbin arrived as his replacement at the beginning of October. His job will be Network Coordination and Digital Officer and he will be responsible for updating and uploading information on the resource portal, driving and implementing Mission Val de Loire’s digital strategy through, in particular, social media coordination, overseeing coordination of the networks of stakeholders in the region of the UNESCO site and organising and providing information monitoring both internally and externally for the team and external partners.  

Get in touch with him by email/phone: barbin@mission-valdeloire.fr - +33 (0)2 47 66 56 06 



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